Sunday, August 17, 2008

You Can Touch My Heart

Around my heart I’ve built a wall
Keeping it safe
Safe from being hurt
But alone,
Apart from others

Afraid to trust
I push others away
I can’t trust their love for me
By habit I turn away
From their outstretched arms

All who reach for me
Find that wall
And cannot breach it’s width
All except one person
Somehow, you can touch my heart

Something in your eyes,
In your words
In your support
Tells me you are different
You are safe

Your love I can trust
The only one that I never
push away
I allow you to be
My shoulder to cry on

I never doubt you
Never doubt that you love me
Somehow with you
My habit is broken
I don’t turn away

You are the only one
I turn to without reserve
And in my trust of you
I see a chance
To overcome a habit

If you can touch my heart
And I remain unhurt
Maybe others can too
And through your love
I find my tools

The tools to break a habit
To tear down a wall
Learning how to trust
How to stand
Instead of turning away

Source: I wrote this the other day because I was thinking about some things in my life.

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