Sunday, August 17, 2008


My little hand you held so tight,
As I first learned to walk
You dried my tears
Met all my cares
And taught me how to talk

When I would fall
You’d help me stand
And tell me, try again
Just don’t give in
Again, you’d hold me hand

I went to school, I learned to read
To multiply, and add
But it was you
Who saw me through
As I learned good from bad

Perhaps at times I couldn’t see
How much I needed you
Yet there you were
My constant cure
For all that I went through

So many times I turned to you
You saw me through it all
Through broken toys
And friends and boys
Your love helped me stand tall

And now so many years have passed,
I stand on my own now
When troubles come
I face them all
Because you taught me how

Yet still sometimes I turn to you
And still you hold my hand
You dry my tears
And meet my cares
Just like you always have

As years pass by and I recall
The memories we share
I think of you
And all you do
To show how much you care

And so to you, I give my thanks
For all you gave to me
For who you are
And who I am
And who one day I’ll be

I hope one day when you’ve grown old
And my own children come
I will have earned
Just like you did
The loving title, “Mom”

Source:Written as a gift to my Mom for mother's day

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