Sunday, August 17, 2008


When I was young
I learned the songs
About the man called “Dad”
and I thought mine was just the best
that any child ever had

He taught me to bike
And then how to hike
And many other things
He held me close as the years passed
And I tested my wings

Sometimes I tried
To spread them wide
but he would hold me still
because he always knew whats best
and went against my will

So I’d get mad
And he’d get sad
And we’d get in a fight
Until I wisened up a bit
And saw that Dad was right

And still sometimes
I lose my mind
And forget what he knows
But patiently he loves me still
The right pathway he shows

The years have passed
I’ve had a blast
With Dad, my favorite man
But children grow, and they leave home
And pack the moving “van”

I waved goodbye
And with a sigh
I left his loving arms
And so my wings I finally spread
And moved into a dorm

The day will come
When I’m from home
That I will meet a lad
And soon I’ll love him just as much
As the man I call Dad

But even then
When both those men
Are the best to be had
I hope he knows how much I love
The man I call my “Dad”

And to the end
He’ll be my friend
My Daddy through all things
Because of him and all he taught
I’ve learned to use my wings.

Source: My Father's Day gift to my Dad was this peom

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