Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lines in memory of time spent in the WindRivers

I wrote this for my English 292 class:


I wandered through your mountain hills
Sat peacefully in your meadow
Near beauty that can bring such thrills
And streams that never cease to flow
I listened to the gentle breeze
Your sounds did put my mind to ease

I looked upon your views with awe
And love for everything I saw
I found in you great majesty
And also such simplicity
Your peaks still touched with snowy white
And flowers soaking up sunlight

I placed you in my memory
The smells, the views, the sounds
When I need peaceful times I see
Your beauty all around
Within my mind I feel the breeze
And let it put my mind at ease

1 comment:

Erika said...

I liked this one too!! It made me want to go to the windrivers again!!!!!!!!!!!!